
Showing posts from August, 2017

Lend A Helping Hand To Make The Society A Better Place To Live

Many children become orphaned due to various reasons. According to a new study conducted by International Children’s Charity; India is home to 20 million orphans and among them 4 percent are children. The sad part is that only 0.3% of these orphans are children whose parents have actually died. They become vulnerable due to lack of basic amenities and many of them take the streets for their survival. Isn’t it our responsibility to lend a hand to the less fortunate? There are some people who have dedicated their lives to serve the underprivileged section of the society. National NGO which has been working for the betterment of people since its inception in 2012 – has become a pioneer in providing all round development for these orphan children. However,  there is still a lot requires to be done. Some have severe medical issues which have to be dealt with. A few face threat to their life because of some disorder or disease. If timely and proper medical aid is given t...

Help Us to Make the Life of the Distressed Better during Calamities

Calamities come without warning. It destroys the normal life in seconds and leaves behind a trail of tragedy. Lives lost, properties destroyed and people displaced from their homes. In these times, even the life’s necessary requirements become scarce. Bring your ‘being you’ to help them. National NGO which has previously held a successful campaign during J&K flood 2014 and Nepal’s tragic earthquake 2015,  always remains ready to reach the people caught up in these situations. It is at these times that help is needed both in cash and kind. During earthquakes or floods, volunteers work day and night to help distressed in providing a safe place. It requires so much to be done. The shelter has to be provided, food has to be arranged, and health-care has to be procured and so on. What role do you want to play? You can volunteer with us or you can contribute during calamities. You can join them and help them distribute the food packets, clothes, and blankets. You can len...