National Unity Day: united we stand, divided we fall

India is a Secular nation with enhanced societies and the significances in their sort. Envision if our subcontinent was separated into two locales, one section popularity based India encompassed by the other part—near 550 more modest states managed by lords and their relatives. Half of the Indians would be living under a majority rule set-up with opportunities and the rest residing under some government. The rule of Unity, Liberty, Equality revered in the Constitution would exist in one section and not in the other. There would be limitations on voyaging and moving merchandise starting with one area then onto the next. In the end product, one portion of India would be represented by the thoughts of Justice and Liberty, while the other would have endured without these thoughts. Confusion and insurgency would have followed, and the possibility of India would have fizzled at the very beginning of its excursion. Such a situation would have demonstrated the Western pundits right...