We have the power to enable. We just need a strong will and determination. Hellen Keller once said “All the world is full of suffering. It is also full of overcoming.” The principle aim of Project Empower is to be the means for that ‘overcoming’. Through our Project ‘Empower’ we channelize our energies in making the differently able independent. We don’t call them dis-abled, we call them differently abled, because each individual has multiple dimension and even if he is handicapped in some of them, he can still reap the potential of other dimensions With this project children are able to pursue the career of their inclination and finally come out into society skilled and confident. We leave no stone unturned in making them self-dependent and independent. With our efforts at our National Training center in Vijay Nagar, Delhi we are working tirelessly to empower and enlighten, through Project ‘Empower’. Although the project is at a nascent stage we still have thirty...