Things we should do to help senior citizens

Senior citizens who are suffering from depression are required special care. This is the most painful situation where citizen feel lonely and have no one to take care in his or her final stage of life. Many senior citizens feel ignored from their dear ones and end up into old age care home. Looking at the current scenario, in coming years the Call to Action for elderly population will increase in faster phase. In India, there are around 3 million elderly people living. Many of these are suffering from age-old problem, which can grow further. NGOs like National NGO are helping old age people to spend their quality time with other people and engage into activities. Making them feel good with activities is what the job of NGOs is. Let us check why we need to take extra care of senior citizens. Law vs Reality- In India, there are few laws that help in protecting elder citizen. According to section 19 of the Maintenance and Welfare of Parents’ and Senior Citizens’ Act (MWP...