Feed Poor To Defeat Hunger in India

India is a prominent global voice that has made notable progress on human development over the past 60 years, but the advantages of a growing economy are not shared equally: the country is still home to one-third of the world’s poor. There are several factors that contribute to the state of hunger in various rural regions of India. The reasons carry complexities, but they are somehow associated. On the other hand, the coronavirus pandemic has severely challenged more than our health. Food security and the livelihoods of millions of people have been compromised, and many more millions are likely to be hungry because of the pandemic’s impact on economies. The team of National Organisation for Social Empowerment (National NGO) has been working tirelessly to lift people out of poverty, giving them the training and tools they need to make sustainable changes that will benefit their families and communities for generations to come. Since 2012, we have been serving underprivileged people ...