Mental Health Matters

"Perfection is impossible as we are beautifully flawed individuals!" Our mentality affects our mood and our actions as they are interlinked. When we’re in a bad mood we can tend to be irritable or aggressive. But then it affects the way we do things and how we speak to people around. A lot of the time many of us don’t consider our mental health as something that affects our actions. Unfortunately, mental health often taught us that things are what they are, and there’s no solution to it but that's not true. As of now, the world is currently facing the toughest time due to the outbreak of COVID-19. The pandemic has made the governments of most countries to urge people to follow safety rules for their well-being and take preventive measures to reduce and stop the spread of the virus. Everyone has been really affected by the changes in their everyday schedule and the changing situation and environment. There is a situation of discomfort among everywhere and a chan...