Lockdown has impacted poor migrants in Delhi

For the first time in the history of independent India the migrants’ issues grabbed national attention. Almost all the migrant labourers have come to hate the cities and factories because of the way they’ve been treated by their employers. The main reason why the labourers have been so desperate to go back to their respective home is because their employers stopped paying them wages. Migrant labourers across India wish to return their homes and don’t want to return to the big cities like Delhi, Mumbai, etc. to see such humiliation again in future.
The serious complication for daily wagers is that the daily payments put food on their plates.
Countless workers in India have walked thousands of miles home after losing their jobs, many dying in accidents along the way, and the ordeal has made them restrain to return to work despite India easing restrictions to reinitialize industrial activity. Although, Governments, NGOs, volunteers, political parties and even the police have been busy feeding migrant workers meals. Yet this charity, this munificence, would not have been needed if employers hadn’t stepped down their responsibility. According to the report compiled by Aid workers about 80% of these migrant workers are men who send their earnings back to their villages to support their families. On the other hand, even for non-migrant workers across Delhi, the lockdown has been catastrophic in terms of economic and mental health therefore, it brought about an enormous change in their behaviour.
In the dominant response to COVID-19, National Organisation For Social Empowerment is helping underprivileged people day and night to ensure food, aid, and medical supplies are delivered to those who need it. Apart from that, National NGO is also fulfilling the requests of the needy people across Delhi/NCR that we are receiving through our social media platforms. To protect the underprivileged people of our community from coronavirus, National NGO is working continuously on the grassroots level and providing them with nutritious food.


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