It has been more than two months since India's Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, announced a complete lockdown across India. At the time of his announcement, our country had no more than a few hundred cases of COVID-19. However, PM Narendra Modi felt the country could not afford an outbreak of the virus. On the other hand, the fact is that we have among the lowest access to and quality of healthcare in the world. Unstoppable in its spread, the Coronavirus pandemic has thrown the livelihoods of millions into a disorganized twister. Daily wagers, footpath vendors, migrant labourers, waste pickers, single mothers have all had their only source of income extinguished out by the lockdown. Countless workers in India have walked thousands of miles home after losing their jobs, many dying in accidents along the way, and the ordeal has made them restrain to return to work despite India easing restrictions to reboot industrial activity.
While immediate food relief is a concern, so is safety. It is to lessen the impact of the crisis on these sections of the society, and to ensure their access to essentials, that not-for-profit organisations like National Organisation For Social Empowerment aka National NGO are sending out appeals for funds.
The best part of the Food and Ration distribution system of the National Organisation For Social Empowerment is that we are going door to door. We had given needy people freshly cooked food packets & ration packages every day and during the distribution procedure our NGO followed the social distancing and lockdown norms.
To address the gap in coordination, National Organisation For Social Empowerment, a NGO based in New Delhi has designed a special volunteer team that is continuously helping the poor and the needy people by providing help in terms of food, medicines, ration packages, etc.


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